Topic 10. Make Progress With Goals

Dreams need to be grounded in reality if your plan is to make them work. To make progress, we need to set and take strategic steps, which requires us to identify objectives and expected key results, and to establish and write goals.


What's Included in this Guide:

Why Is Goal Setting Important?
What Are the Two Components of Goals?
What Is an Effective Objective?
What Is an Effective Key Result?
Let's get started
Part 1.

Why Is Goal Setting Important?

One can easily mistake motion for progress, when in fact they are not the same thing. This part will take you through how to strike a strong focus so you can go from problem to solution, and from hunch to evidence.

Part 2.

What Are the Two Components of Goals?

This video will take you through the two main components of goal setting, objectives, and key results.

Part 3.

What Is an Effective Objective?

This video will help you describe what it is that you want to achieve and the reason you’re doing it. You will refine your goals by taking a closer look at the objectives you set.

Part 4.

What Is an Effective Key Result?

Here you will identify those results that will help you know whether or not you are making progress. This step will help you to measure your progress so that your goals are outcome-focused, not task-completion focused.